Creation of SERMAT by Jacques Neuvessel to supply aircraft engines to AVIAC. Capital 50/50 between AVIAC and Jacques Neuvessel.
Franck Neuvessel joins SERMAT
SFIM takes control of AVIAC.
Creation of Neuvessel Holding and acquisition of CMPM (machining).
Holding Neuvessel takes 100% control of SERMAT. SFIM comes under the control of SAGEM (Safran).
Acquisition of WARELEC for the manufacture of electronic boards.
Acquisition of ALTECH (machining).
Soterem (space and nuclear) comes under 100% control of Neuvessel Holding.
Chairman: Jacques NEUVESSEL |
Société d'Etudes et de Réalisations de MAchines Tournantes 249, rue de la Garenne 92000 NANTERRE Phone number
+33(1) 46 52 68 68
Email address
Juridical form
4 050 000 €
Record number
RCS NANTERRE - B 307 420 067
SIRET number
307 420 067 00018
NAF code
NATO code
VAT number
FR 24 307 420 067
URSSAF number
410 9205000 34N
SERMAT has two production sites and a Research and Design site: |
Nanterre |
Castanet-Tolosan |
Chabris |
249 rue de la Garenne 92000 NANTERRE | 5 rue de la Technique 31320 CASTANET-TOLOSAN | Zone industrielle des Vigneaux 36210 CHABRIS |
Tél : +33(1) 4652 6868 | Tél. +33(5) 6271 9060 | Tél : +33(2) 5400 3333 |
1.500 m² | 2.500 m² | 3.000 m² |
Design, Manufacture and Overhaul of equipments | Research, Design and Prototyping | Manufacture and Overhaul of equipments |
Design, Manufacture and Overhaul of equipementsThe NANTERRE plant (92) is composed of General Management, Engineering, Design Office, Sales, Quality, Purchasing, Shops, Manufacturing (assembly, winding, machining) and Test and Control. It employs 50 people. Manufacture and Overhaul of equipementsThe CHABRIS plant (36) dedicated to manufacturing is composed of Shop, Assembly, Winding, Impregnation, Electronic assembly. It includes also Purchasing, Test and Control, Manufacturing quality. It employs 190 people. Research, Design and PrototypingThe CASTANET-TOLOSAN plant (31) is dedicated to electronic and mechanical engineering, design and prototyping. It employs 20 people. |